Other Committees
Section 1. Nominating Committee. The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of five (5) Members of the Board of Directors meeting in October. The committee shall investigate and consider the eligibility of candidates for the Board of Directors for the next season and shall submit a written ballot at the Annual Meeting.
The committee shall report its findings to the Board of Directors at its meeting in September.
Section 2. Finance Committee. The President shall appoint a Finance Committee consisting of not less than three (3) and not more than five (5) Directors, and may appoint any person with knowledge of the finances of the Local League.
The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of this committee.
The committee shall investigate ways and means of financing the Local League including team sponsorships and submit recommendations.
It shall be the duty of the committee to present a budget at the Board of Directors meeting in October..
Section 3. Building and Grounds Committee. The President shall appoint a Building and Grounds Committee, which shall be responsible for the care and maintenance of the playing fields, buildings, and grounds. It shall operate within the amount appropriated in the approved budget for that purpose.
Section 4. Playing Equipment Committee. The President may appoint a Playing Equipment Committee, which shall secure bids on needed supplies and equipment and make recommendations for their purchase to the Board.
The Purchasing Agent shall be an ex-officio member of this committee.
Section 5. Manager Selection Committee. The President shall appoint a Manager Selection Committee consisting of three (3) to five (5) Directors at the Annual Meeting of the Local League.
The committee shall investigate prospective managers and coaches for all divisions and recommend acceptable candidates to the President, for approval by the Board of Directors as soon as possible after the September meeting of the Board.
The committee shall, at the request of the President or the Board of Directors, investigate complaints concerning managers and coaches and make a report to the President or the Board of Directors.
Section 6. Umpire Committee. The President and the Umpire’s Consultant may appoint an Umpire Committee consisting of three (3) Directors.
The President shall be chairman of any such committee.
The committee shall recruit, interview, and recommend to the Board for appointment, a staff of umpires, including a chief umpire and replacements.
When appointed, the staff of umpires shall be under the personal direction and responsibility of the President, assisted by the Umpire’s Consultant, who shall train, observe, and schedule the staff.
Section 7. District Committee. The Board of Directors may appoint a District Committee consisting of the President as chairman and two (2) other Directors.
The committee shall assist the District Administrator in interleague district functions including the selection of members of the District Administrator’s Advisory Committee and the selection of tournament sites and tournament directors.
Section 8. Auxiliary Committee. The Board of Directors may appoint an Auxiliary Committee consisting of the Treasurer, Auxiliary Board member, and other appointed Members.
The committee shall coordinate the activities of the Auxiliary.
It shall review and coordinate auxiliary projects for raising money and disposition of profits, and make recommendations to the Board. The Board shall approve in advance all projects of the Auxiliary.
The Auxiliary Board member, with the approval of the Board of Directors, may appoint any person to further the operation of the Auxiliary.
Section 9. Auditing Committee. The Board of Directors shall appoint an Auditing Committee consisting of three (3) Directors. The President, Treasurer, or signors of checks are not eligible.
The committee shall review the Local League books and records annually prior to the Annual Meeting and attach a statement of their findings to the annual financial statement of the President and Treasurer. If directed by the Board, the committee may secure the services of a Certified Public Accountant to accomplish such review.
Section 10. Commissioners’ Committee. The Board of Directors may appoint a Commissioners’ Committee consisting of the Senior Division Commissioner, the Junior Division Commissioner, the Major Division Commissioner, the Modified Division Commissioner, and the Coach Pitch Division Commissioner and the Tee Ball Division Commissioner.
The chairman of this committee shall be the General Manager. The chairman shall be responsible to the Local League President for the proper conduct of the operation of all divisions.